Gaming Site - B259
B259 Gaming Site, awaiting updates as the Minetest server was no longer being used so we let it go, we will either get minecraft or Survival Colony instead or I will find a browser game.
I will post updates as I get them, we no longer have our minetest server as hardly anyone was using it.
Anything under this line is Archived for now, please ignore it as I will be replacing the word count with updates.
updated 29th Dec 2022
Update 1 on Sunday 27.02.2022 at 03.00am
Archived removed.
Web visitors to B259 & Project 2024 stats
Feel free to check our current visitor stats.
Dance, Music, Fitness & Entertainment I cover.
Also covered is Security, Martial Arts & other stuff I feel is connected to our web project.
Please feel free to view our project website.
Main B259 Website
My main b259 website which houses several over sub-sites and megapages, created in 2022 as part of the Web-Dance-Project & part of Bognor259-dot-com website and projects 2007 till 2017 now being used as Bognor Regis Entertainment site, etc.